VOMIT UK 17/99

                         Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment 24 April 1999

Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed right ofreply. JMF or P2 Lodge UK stands for the hierarchies of the Judaeo/Masonic Faction. The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to suffer from the machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are.


CAMPAIGN FOR A FAIR HEARING, PO Box 54, Cambridge CB5 8BB. Fax 01223 327042. Ph 01223 327634 (Organiser - Suzon Forscey-Moore, American Law Researcher)

POW TRUST, (A registered benevolent and social welfare charity) 295a Queenstown Road, London SW8 3NP. Tel.0171 720 9767 Fax 0171 498 0477 (Gen.Secy. Peter Sainsbury).

NEW DEMOCRACY ACTION, PO Box 187, Chesterfield, Derbys.S40 2DU Ph/Fax 01246 555713  (Organiser Eric Giles)

Fascist we are not. Anti-Semitic we are not. Anti-Masonic and anti all secret societies we are. We believe that secret societies are divisive and are breeding grounds for injustice and corruption. We know this to be true of Freemasonry.


We are bound to say that we are bemused by the number of complaints we receive about Lord Woolf. Here is the latest from Norman Scarth (ph/fax 0113 262 0449) who recently informed his Lordship that he despised judges. Norman is the 74 year old World War Two Murmansk hero who was prepared to lay down his life to defeat the persecutors of the Jews. He is studying law at Leeds University.

### Article 6.1 of the European Convention on Human Rights says that " …everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing in open court…" In special circumstances, in the interests of morals, public order, national security, juveniles and to the extent strictly necessary, a public hearing may be restricted.

This is repeated in the Human Rights Act 1998, Schedule 1.

The Civil Procedure Rules which come into effect on 26 April 1999 were to embrace both the articles of the Convention and the 1998 Act. Rule 39.2 (1) states "The general rule is that a hearing is to be in public." Rule 39.2 (3) states "A hearing, or any part of it, may be in private if - (g) the court considers this to be necessary in the interests of justice." Note that "strictly necessary" and "special circumstances" are omitted.

The Rules were drawn up by the Civil Procedure Rules Committee whose chairman was the Rt.Hon.Lord Woolf. Lord Woolf has shown contempt for Parliament and the Convention. He has short changed and cheated the British people who had been told that UK Law would encompass the European Convention on Human Rights.

Lord Woolf must be sacked forthwith, ###

Comment:- Sacking Lord Woolf would make no difference since there are plenty of his kind in the wings. The remedy is to abolish the office of Lord Chancellor and appoint a Mason-free lay committee to appoint and discipline judges.


Cardinal Irvine has become a laughing stock because he is hypersensitive, domineering, conceited, vindictive and arrogant - a banana skin, piss artist, legover china shop bull. He is an unelected politician and crony of Bomber Blair the Peace Maker. He secretly briefs judges and thereby influences judgements and violates UK law. His office violates European Law.


According to Lord Woolf the briefings are summaries of cases involving litigants in person who are considered incapable of presenting their own arguments. That seems fair especially if it assists litigants in presenting their cases. However litigants are expressly forbidden sight of the summaries. His Lordhship has hold of the wrong end of the stick. Let us consider a secret briefing in Geoffrey Scriven's case. Mr Scriven had complained about perjury and treason committed by named judges. Lord Justice Russell informed Mr Scriven that he was referring the matter to the Attorney General. We paraphrase the secret briefing in his case.

'Scriven believes that Russell referred the matter to the Attorney General (The Lloyds swindler) who would take proceedings against the bent judges whereas the Attorney General's plan is to gag Scriven by enrolling a motion to have him committed to prison for contempt of court. Don't for goodness let Scriven know this. Adjourn the hearing on some pretext or other while we proceed with the blackmail.' In due course, with policemen in attendance, Mr Scriven was coerced into giving certain undertakings.

Now let us consider another scenario. The Labour politician, the Lord Chancellor, has been asked by Bomber Blair to save a Blairite MP who has been found guilty of fiddling her expenses. Again we paraphrase.

'The Appellant was found guilty because her main character witness, a respected senior Labour MP, was found with his trousers down in a brothel a few days before her trial in the Magistrates Court. I would be the last person to criticise such licentious behaviour. Don't forget that I seduced Donald Dewar's wife. And don't forget that I can make sure that you are not promoted or given any public enquiries. Geoff Hoon and I have been looking at ways of getting her off the hook. After all most MPs fiddle their election expenses. You remember Geoff? His wife, using her maiden name, addresses him as "Dear Mr Hoon" when she increases the rent for his constituency office. Why do you think we labour persons are called "the beggars on horseback" ? Anyway Geoff and I have decided that the law on election expenses is not sufficiently clear. We are currently drafting new laws. Her counsel will play on this aspect and we will get our spin doctors to sell the defence to the bovine public. See you at the next meeting of the P2 Lodge UK. Cupid.'


This woman is currently protecting two bent solicitors in the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors. The bent solicitors are protecting Westminster City Council 's solicitor C T Wilson. Abraham has informed the complainer that he has returned a letter to her and he has made a formal complaint. That is a lie. She has been asked several times for a copy of the returned letter and the completed complaint form. She has not responded.

Currently there are 9,000 complaints outstanding against solicitors. Last year 31,672 members of the public lodged complaints. Abraham will publicly condemn the OSS in her annual report. In our view she is as much to blame as the bent solicitors. By protecting bent solicitors in the OSS who are protecting bent solicitors generally Abraham, in our view, has justified her immediate dismissal for misconduct in public office. Not all solicitors are bent but all are tarred with the same brush on account of the symbiotic relationship between the bent solicitors and Abraham. We are not alone in our condemnation of the OSS and Abraham. The trash are well paid to swill out the Augean stables but prefer to wallow in the ordure thereof.


The Jew Mason Chief Executive of Dacorum Borough Council, Keith Hunt is still negotiating his golden handshake. We believe that he should be removed in handcuffs. Honest Labour councillors have either been deselected or have resigned. Ex Councillor and Magistrate Paul Hinson is reporting corruption to Hertfordshire Police. Labour Leader of the Council, Her Ladyship Julia Coleman of Under The Brush, is stepping down. She denies that the Dacorum Action Group has brought about her downfall but even the partisan Jew Mason Editor of The Hemel Hempstead Gazette is blaming Gerald Coulter. Mr Coulter states that Coleman must be prosecuted for criminal offences. Following the local rag's attempt to discredit him, Mr Coulter has become something of a hero in local eyes. People from all walks of life are congratulating him in the streets and by telephone. He has been selected as a Liberal candidate for the council . Coincidentally we have received a copy of a fax, dated 14 April 1999, bearing the Hertfordshire Constabulary logo. It is unsigned and does not have the sender's address, telephone number or fax number. It reads as follows.

### Approximately one year ago, Hertfordshire Constabulary's fraud squad was called in to investigate allegations of corruption at Dacorum Borough Council. Since then the matter has been looked into thoroughly and police do not consider there to be any criminal offences. Therefore there is no further police involvement.

Claire Casey, Press and PR, Hertfordshire Constabulary. ###

Comment:- We believe that it is unlawful to send a communication of this sort. It certainly has no legal validity. The Chief Constable's fax number is 01707 354519. The Herts Police do not answer our correspondence. Masons again!

Note how people who are accused of misconduct in public office resign and are not prosecuted. They should be prosecuted in order to curb the corruption which is endemic in local authorities.


This is the council whose Internet servant has complained repeatedly about Vomit publications on local government news pages. Repeatedly we have stated that the council must have something to hide.

On 15 April 1999 Mr John Holcroft issued a write against the council and its agents and servants and Councillor Kennedy for damages arising from conspiracy with Granada Television, providing false information and unlawfully disclosing information. The case has still to be tried.

With a view to forestalling the injustice which invariably visits those suing local authorities we tell the story of a company that had a watertight case against Bucks. County Council. There was the usual police intimidation of the company's servants. Eventually when the case was about to be heard, Chiltern District Council, by fraud and perjury and some help from a less than impartial judiciary, obtained a Winding Up Order against the company. The whole story behind that corruption beggars belief. II involves also the Director General of Ordnance Survey, the Valuation Officer and the Inland Revenue Solicitors. It cost the company 200,000 pounds following a fabricated claim for about 3,000 pounds. The matter is still before the city of London Police who have gone to sleep.

There is further trouble brewing in Birmingham City Council arising from the fact that a group of Tory Masons, who live outside the city but who have business addresses within the city, are ganging up with Labour candidates to keep Liberal candidates off the council. Labour will sup with Tory businessmen to ensure that their friends get a fair share of council contracts. Occasionally local Liberal Parties are untainted by Freemasonry. Again we would offer some advice. The Liberal democrats took control of Chiltern District Council. When we reported the corrupt practices of their leader to Paddy Ashdown he did not even acknowledge receipt of our letter. There was also the case of the Liberals in Dacorum Borough Council. One of them saved the Masonic Labour group and betrayed the electorate.

Our advice to John Holcroft would be "Never trust your friends because they are the only people who can betray you". Two of the most evil men we know were good friends who took the Judas silver. Remember the Masonic motto - "Always take a man by the hand before you stick a knife into his back".


Knowing how the Official Receiver works we would say that Mr Kellett should be arresting him. The OR is appointed by the Department of Trade and Industry. Nuff said!

Last week we left Mr Kellett chained to a hospital bed, on hunger strike, being abused by one prison officer Mason and being comforted by prison officer Natrass. Mr Natrass was a very fine human being. Mr Kellett's neighbour Carr, a government employee, had been used by the Masonic Mafia to persecute the Kellett family. Assisted by solicitor Alison Stott and Judge Cuthbertson she had succeeded in having Mr Kellett imprisoned for violating an injunction unlawfully drafted by Stott. Here is Mr Kellett's report.

### The appeal against my imprisonment was successful and I was released from Dryburn hospital in the afternoon of July 9 1996. On my release I was given a copy of a fax sent to the Court of Appeal by Stott. Stott, hiding behind Carr, informed the Court of Appeal that, according to Carr's knowledge, I was not of previous good character, had been bound over and had received treatment in a mental hospital. None of these allegations were true. I obtained a certificate from police verifying I had no criminal record.

Within two days of my release from prison Carr was making false allegations about my conduct. She wrote to the Leader of Sunderland City Council informing him that I had been imprisoned. Her planning appeal was due to be heard by a government inspector and I was listed to speak against the development. Had she succeeded in having me imprisoned again I would not have been able to object to her planning appeal.

Judge Cuthbertson accepted that Carr had libelled me but advised me not to sue until proceedings between Carr and me had finished. Later I will show that Cuthbertson's advice was bad advice. ###

Comment:- You are learning about the ways of the Masons. Carr was just a Masonic cat's-paw. The Masons kept her on board by pandering to her greed. Our view is that she herself may well suffer from a mental illness. What sort of person crouches behind a fence with a tape recorder trying to make dogs bark so that she can have another human being imprisoned?


Sudarshan Sharma, now of Milton Keynes, was seriously assaulted by two West Midlands policemen when he was accompanied by his 8 year old daughter. There were two independent witnesses. As is usual in such cases he was convicted of assaulting the policemen. He lives in fear and needs help. His email address is sudarshan@keran.freeserve.co.uk


If anyone reports a crime including misconduct in public office and the police fail to investigate the crime the Chief Constable can be fairly accused of corruption. During the past few days we have had so many complaints about Police corruption that we cannot publish details. Make the best of the following information.

Maurice Kellett has complained to the Chief Constable (CC) of Northumbria police about Masonic and police corruption. We have written to Hertfordhire CC about police nonfeasance, to the CC of Thames Valley police about police and council corruption and to Mr John Abbott, Director General of the Criminal Intelligence about Thames Valley police corruption and widespread corruption in Buckinghamshire. Barry Hunt has written to Mr Abbott about Dorset police corruption. Mr Hunt also complains that the Dorset's newly appointed Director of Prosecutions, John Revell, aided and abetted Dorset police in framing him. Dorset's CC Aldous and Deputy CC May the Mason, resigned on 31 March and Mr Hunt is calling for the dismissal of Assistant CC Pothercary. Gerald Coulter has written to the new Dorset CC and to Mr Abbott about Dorset police corruption. Geoffrey Scriven has written to Mr Abbott and to the Greater Manchester CC about police corruption in Cheshire and Manchester and their failure to tackle corruption amongst the judiciary, court officials and solicitors. Gerald Adshead had complained to Derbyshire CC about police and other corruption. Peter Prankerd has complained about South Devon Police corruption.

There is another massive police investigation into a case brought by Brian Hudson. A national Sunday newspaper has apparently been prevented by a "D Notice" from publishing details.

Cleveland's Deputy CC Robert Turnbull has received a golden handshake (150,000 pounds) on his early retirement. He has now taken up a position as Deputy Commissioner of the Turks and Caicos Islands. He was due to be asked many serious questions about his performance in Cleveland. He was the man who suspended Detective Superintendent Roy Mallon who was outstandingly successful in reducing crime in Middlesborough. Gwent's CC, Francis Wilkinson, has just resigned before he was due to appear before a disciplinary tribunal. He had been suspended from duty for 18 months on a salary of £75,000 per year.

The police are out of control because the judiciary is falling down on the job. The root cause of corruption in the UK is the office of Lord Chancellor. Freemasonry oils the wheels of corruption by linking the politicians with the judiciary.

Published by J M Todd, Misbourne Farmhouse, Amersham Road, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks. HP8 4RU

Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel 01494 871204. Fax 01494 870031

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