VOMIT UK 13/99

Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment 27 March 1999

Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed right of reply. JMF or P2 Lodge UK stands for the hierarchies of the Judaeo/Masonic Faction. The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to suffer from the machinations of the

JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are.


CAMPAIGN FOR A FAIR HEARING, PO Box 54, Cambridge CB5 8BB. Fax 01223 327042.

Ph 01223 327634 (Organiser - Suzon Forscey-Moore, American Law Researcher)

POW TRUST, (A registered benevolent and social welfare charity) 295a Queenstown Road,

London SW8 3NP. Tel.0171 720 9767 Fax 0171 498 0477 (Gen.Secy. Peter Sainsbury).

TRY "PUNCH" AND BUY "PUNCH"(£1.50 fortnightly) Punch Letters,100 Brompton Road,

LONDON SW3 1ER. edit@punch.co.uk Fax 0171 225 6766.

NEW DEMOCRACY ACTION, PO Box 187, Chesterfield, Derbys.S40 2DU Ph/Fax 01246 555713

(Organiser Eric Giles)


Yakusa, the Yardies, the IRA, the Orange Paramilitaries, the Mafia, the Knights of St Columba, the Masons, Opus Dei, the Bilderberg Council, the Tongs. End of introduction.


We are indebted to the Estates Gazette of 20 March for the basis of the item.

     In Sussex Justices, Mr McCarthy, a motor cyclist, was prosecuted for dangerous driving after a collision with another motor cycle. McCarthy pleaded not guilty. The clerk to the magistrates was a partner in a firm of solicitors acting for the other motor cyclist. (Civil proceedings had been threatened against McCarthy by this firm.)

The conviction was set aside because the magistrates had retired with the clerk when they had left the courtroom to consider their verdict.

Lord Hewart CJ gave a judgement, which contained one of the most memorable phrases in English Law - indeed; it has been passed into ordinary English parlance.

"It is not merely of some importance but it is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done". ###

The Estates Gazette mention "Key Points" as follow:

    1. No one should be a judge in his own cause. 2. This rule against bias applies to anyone exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions. 3. Absence of actual bias is not relevant: the rule applies to those who have an interest even if they do not show any bias.

Lord Hewart must be turning in his grave. This fundamental principle of justice was established by the Romans before there was an English language. 'nemo iudex in causa sua.'

The Police Complaints Authority (PCA), The Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), Ombudsmen and the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors (OSS) have quasi-judicial functions. If the OSS finds against a solicitor damages may have to be met by the Solicitors' Indemnity Fund to which the OSS solicitor must contribute. The OSS is therefore disqualified from judging complaints against solicitors. Solicitors making judgements on OSS solicitors and other solicitors staff the Office of the Legal Services Ombudsman. It must be excluded by law from investigating complaints against solicitors. The head of the CCRE, Crawford, is a top rung Mason.

Probably the most serious legal malfeasance stems from membership of Freemasonry. Nowadays it appears that judges, chief constables, members of parliament and their like can deny membership of Freemasonry by going underground into something like the P2 Lodge in Italy. We call it the P2 Lodge UK that is a state within a state. When the P2 Lodge was exposed in Italy it went underground and formed a group of secret lodges. Investigations on behalf of the PCA are undertaken by police officers who are probably Masons investigating Masons on behalf of Masons. Leaving that aside if the investigating officers find against police officers they discredit the police service and may burden it with pay outs for damages leading to a reduction in the amount of cash required to pay the investigating officers' salary increases. The number of complaints against the PCA itself and the fact that there are so many applications to the European Commission for Human Rights (ECHR) is a further argument for disbanding the PCA. The ECHR is tarred with the same brush. Judges of member states are loath to discredit each other by finding against each other. They appoint an assessor from the complainer's country. He makes lying reports and the complaint is declared inadmissible except where the outcome does not reflect badly on the legal system or very little money is involved. Nemo iudex in causa sua but the European lot are effectively biased judges in their own cause. The European Commission with its culture of cronyism, mismanagement and fraud is no worse than the ECHR where the judges will have a good salary and a good expense account.


Let us give you a current example of the behaviour of the charlatans at the OSS and LSO. We made a complaint against C T Wilson, Westminster City Council solicitor. We had been victims of Dame Shirley Porter and had asked Wilson to undo the damage. He kept referring us elsewhere. Suddenly, at least ten weeks before our complaint was scheduled for investigation, Mrs Hanson of the OSS telephoned us - a sure sign that she was at the fiddle. We immediately confirmed her telephone call in writing and asked her to keep her promise to put her decision in writing. She did not reply until we complained to the LSO. We could not make a complaint to the LSO without a written copy of Hanson's judgement. Hanson's superior at the OSS, a female named Watkins, then wrote defending Hanson and explaining that Hanson's written confirmation had been delayed because it took 15 days to have her letter approved. Hanson's letter was at variance with the terms of her telephone call. In the meantime a man named Entwistle at the LSO wrote to us thanking us for returning a letter and telling us that he would give priority to investigating our complaint. Several times we have asked Ombudsman Ann Abraham for a copy of the letter we are alleged to have returned and a copy of our completed complaint application form. Both the OSS and the LSO are clearly working together to expedite an investigation and are lying. Dame Shirley Porter's appeal hearing commenced on Monday 22 March 1999. If the OSS and the LSO have to lie in dealing with our complaint and collaborate to deny us justice we say that our complaint against C T Wilson must be successful. Needless to say we are one of many victims of the OSS and the LSO.

The Lord Chancellor has just announced an amendment to the Access to Justice Bill for the start of its second reading on 24 March. The Guardian quotes inside sources as follows "Ministers have been inundated with letters from MPs whose constituents are embroiled in long-running and unsatisfactory dealings with the complaints body, the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors". That must be a joke. Invariably judges have it in their power to deal with bent solicitors. Who secretly briefs the judges? The Lord Chancellor, Cardinal Irvine, does so. Until his political office is abolished we will always have politically driven miscarriages of justice and complaints against bent solicitors. Again Masons on both sides of the bench enable judicial corruption go unchecked. Pity the solicitor who blows the whistle.


This is an appeal to the former directors of Demon who resigned en masse when Scottish Power Telecommunications took over Demon on 30 April 1988. Please get in touch with us and we will explain blackmail. You had no secrets from P2 Lodge UK, Holland, Belgium, Channel Islands, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and USA. Will Messieurs C M Stanford, G Todd, P Englander, G Chamberlain, A W Mudd, A N Simkin, R Bliss, J C A Corr, A Law, P Male and D Furniss please contact us? Has anyone information on the following members of Scottish PowerTelecommunications board? They are R A Matthews, William Dobbie and D Macleod. What are or were their mother lodges? Knowing how the Scottish Mafia works we believe that the three of them are Masons or members of P2 Lodge UK.


Letter dated 11 March from Suzon Forscey-Moore, Organiser of the Campaign For A Fair Hearing (above) to

Terry Ashton, General Secretary, The Labour Party, Greater London Regional Office, 16 Charles Square


      Dear General Secretary,

I have not received an answer to the enclosed fax of 22 February. If the matter was not brought to your attention at that time, I would be grateful to have your apology without further delay. If no apology is forthcoming, I will take the matter further. Yours etc. Suzon Forscey-Moore.

Comment:- We understand that CFAFH is consulting the local Labour MP. A man, speaking through clenched teeth, phoned us at 1124 hours on 24 March. He identified himself as "Dave Jones of British Telecom". You will recall that by using Freemasonry we were able to obtain from the Chairman's office the addresses of two ex-directory BT subscribers. We are currently in dispute with BT about a recent similar incident. Anyway this Jones fellow said that he had had complaints from his customers about their receiving unsolicited faxes of the VOMIT publication. He did not identify the complainers or fax numbers. We told him that firstly he should put his complaint in writing to us because we could not be sure that he was the person he was claiming to be. Further we told him that we did not send faxes to people who did not want to receive them but we could not act on anonymous messages. Will BT do the same as Demon Internet and cut off our lines or will they put a block on our faxes to persons unknown? The Masons have had their knickers in a twist since solicitor David Dolton committed "suicide". In due course we hope to have a new non-Masonic Internet Service Provider and a secure Web page.


We remind you that Mr Kellett has been a victim of Masonry in Northumbria Police and the legal system, which is virtually non-existent for Mr Kellett. The Chief Constable of Northumbria police covering most of Mr Kellett's persecution was John Stevens who is now Deputy Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police.

I have reported how solicitor Alison Stott and my next door agent provocateur Carr were able, with the connivance of Judge Cuthbertson, to obtain in my absence a draconian injunction that effectively imprisoned my wife and me in our own home. Carr and her cohabitant Pringle attempted almost daily to make us breach the injunction. Pringle, after making rude gestures, calling me names and taking photographs, finally saw the light and left Carr to her own devices. We felt that she had a mental problem when she would stare for long periods at our kitchen window and then pull faces when she saw me looking at her. On 3 April 1996 Carr started cutting trees on our property. We had to let her carry on because we were prevented by injunction from confronting her and the police were on her side. On 7 May 1996 we observed Carr standing beside a ladder. A man at the top of the ladder was taking photographs of my wife, with a telephoto lens, while she was changing her clothes in our bedroom. I entered the bedroom and went to the window. When the man saw me he scuttled down the ladder and both the voyeurs disappeared. I breached the injunction and accosted the voyeur as he was leaving Carr's property. He was a surveyor named Smales with an office at Lanchester, County Durham. Under a court order he had carried out a survey of our property and I had a copy of his report. He produced a pair of binoculars from behind his back and said that he had been using those and not a camera. He apparently saw nothing wrong with looking into other people's homes while people were undressing. Later Carr produced a tape recording of the conversation I had had with the voyeur and also a tape recording of a conversation between my wife and me as we sat indoors. She further taped an argument that she had had with my wife and lied by stating that my wife was bound by the injunction against me. How Carr obtained the recordings is beyond me. Smales may have had the recording device on his person and was therefore party to Carr's harassment. Carr too must have been wired but I still don't know how she recorded conversations inside my home.

After the voyeurism we reported Smales to the police who stated that a breach of the peace had occurred and that they would be interviewing Smales. The police, as usual, did not come back to us. Smales later gave evidence against me in a civil action before former Recorder John H Fryer-Spedding who was his usual biased self and prevented me from cross examining Smales. Again and again I found the judiciary corrupt but that is what Freemasonry is all about.

Comment:- We have no difficulty in believing Mr Kellett's report. The conversation inside his home could have been recorded by British Telecom. There is a more sophisticated method using a laser beam directed at his window as used by the UK government at the Lancaster Hotel during the Rhodesia talks. We have had the same sort of provocative behaviour from the drug barons here including the cold-blooded killing a smart little Pomeranian dog.


Don't blame Jack Straw for the most recent bollocks over the release of IRA prisoners. Blair was simply pandering to the Orange Masonic Ulster Unionists. "Look Brother Trimble. I tried but if the judgement had gone the other way the peace game would have been finished. We must get the Fenian bastards to decommission before we can get them back into their cages. Even a bigoted piece of shit like you must see that. Clegg got away with murder. Our boys took out Rosemary Nelson for you. Count your blessings and be bloody well patient."

If the IRA bad any lingering doubts about the betrayal in store for the Nationalists they need look only as far as the choice of policeman to investigate the murder of solicitor Rosemary Nelson who represented Nationalist clients. He is Deputy Commissioner John Stevens former Chief Constable of Northumbria Police. (See introduction to the Maurice Kellett report above)



Last Wednesday there were two cases of note in the Court of Appeal.

Norman Scarth, the Murmansk hero, is still showing the same courage against the same sort of fascist enemy. Mr Scarth mounted a successful challenge against the UK legal system in the European Commission on Human Rights. All we know at the time of writing is that Mr Scarth looked Master of the Rolls Woolf straight in the eye and announced "I despise you". We don't know why he singled out Woolf. We feel the same way about most of the UK judges from Magistrate to Law Lord. One day a litigant will carry out a citizen's arrest and thereafter we will have armed policemen present in the courts. The Cardinal, the mastermind of the legal system, is better at stocking his wine cellar than overseeing the judiciary. Forgive them Lord. They know not their bottoms from their elbows.

The second case was the Legal Aid Board versus Gerald and Eva Adshead where Vice Chancellor Scott was glad to get out of the line of fire. He adjourned the case. He had reduced the time allocated for the hearing from one day to half a day. Eva Adshead was Scott's tormentor in chief ably briefed by her McKenzie Friend, Geoffrey Scriven, and supported by members of the public who would shout things like "Yes. Deal with the fraud". As will be obvious to members of the legal profession the Legal Aid Board cannot sue anyone for costs. This was a case where the Legal Aid franchisees obtained a Legal Aid Certificate for two client litigants who were not entitled to Legal Aid. They then extended the certificate unlawfully to deal with matters not covered by the certificate. The two swindling litigants should have been the Plaintiffs but they could not sue for money to which they were not entitled and they could not allow the fraud to be exposed because it involved the Legal Aid franchisees and ultimately the Legal Aid Board. The Board was depending on bent judges for a favourable outcome. Instead the hearing involved the uncovering of widespread corruption in the courts primarily in the Manchester District Registry invariably condoned by the Court of Appeal in London. Here is an example of the sort of things that the Adsheads have had to put up with. Eva Adshead referred to the case "R v. Deetham". Scott attempted to put Eva down by saying that he did not know of "Deetham". Mr Scriven stood up and quoted "R versus DYTHAM ". " MISCONDUCT IN PUBLIC OFFICE". Scott then apologised.

The Law Society too has its head in the sand in presenting a statutory demand to Mr Scriven. The bill of costs was taxed clandestinely by Judge Eric Jones who is subject to a police investigation and who was one of the judges exposed before Scott on Wednesday. James Chapman & Co., solicitors for the bankrupt Solicitors' Indemnity Fund, benefited from judicial corruption in a case in which Mr Scriven was suing senior partner John McKenna. On 23 March it was announced that McKenna stood down as senior partner. Again Chapmans are involved in the police enquiry. A lot now depends upon the police acting properly and on the Director of Public Prosecutions treating all criminals the same. Again we have the same problem of members of the legal profession protecting each other.

Published by J M Todd, Misbourne Farmhouse, Amersham Road, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks. HP8 4RU

Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel 01494 871204. Fax 01494 870031

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