VOMIT UK 03/99

                        Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment 16 January 1999

<www.vomit.demon.co.uk> INTRODUCTION <avengers@vomit.demon.co.uk>

Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed right of reply. JMF stands for the hierarchies of the Judaeo/Masonic Faction. The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to suffer from the machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are.

                                                 MUTUAL AID

CAMPAIGN FOR A FAIR HEARING, PO Box 54, Cambridge CB5 8BB. Fax 01223 327042. Ph 01223 327634 (Suzon Forscey-Moore, American Law Researcher)

POW TRUST, (A charitable organisation) 295a Queenstown Road, London SW8 3NP. Tel.0171 720 9767 Fax 0171 498 0477 (Gen.Secy. Peter Sainsbury).

NEW DEMOCRACY ACTION, PO Box 187, Chesterfield, Derbys.S40 2DU Ph/Fax 01246 555713 (Organiser Eric Giles)

                                           SECRET SOCIETIES

Yakusa, the Yardies, the IRA, the Orange Paramilitaries, the Mafia, the Knights of St Columba, the Masons, Opus Dei, the Bilderberg Council, the Tongs. End of introduction.

                                           THAT HITLER SPEECH

At Munich on 13 April 1923 Hitler referred to a Judaeo Masonic Mafia that ruled the world. He called them "Rathenaus". It was in fact a Jewish industrialist named Walter Rathenau who fingered an elitist group of 300 Jews in Germany. Bear in mind that the National Socialist Party was formed by Jews who were being shamefully exploited by the Jewish hierarchy just as they and Masons are exploited today. In return the "somebodies" enjoy some privileges denied decent people. We now have a world-wide elitist Judaeo Masonic Mafia which we call "The Bilderberg Council". It is time that the rank and file Jews and Masons appreciated that we are heading for strife. There is a lot of anti Semitism in the world. The problem must be addressed by all peoples including the majority of Jews and Masons. Racial harmony must take precedence over unbridled greed.

                                 THE VENGEANCE OF THE JEW

After the last Nazi war the Russians put a Jew Communist in charge of a Labour camp in Poland for German prisoners of war and Nazi collaborators. As was the Stalin custom many of the prisoners were innocent Poles. In 1994 the Polish authorities questioned the Jewish commandant named Solomon Morel. He immediately fled to Israel.

There is sworn testimony that Morel was guilty of atrocities that were as bad as those committed by the Nazis against Jews and Masons. Prisoners were beaten to death or allowed to die immersed in freezing water up to their necks. Morel himself would make prisoners lie down side by side and then walk over them kicking their heads in. The Israelis now refuse to allow the Poles to extradite Morel. For once the Israelis are right even if they treated Nazi war criminals differently.

We can see no difference between dying in freezing water or under tons of rubble as the citizens of Dresden died. At the time we cheered the bombing of civilians in Germany. That was vengeance. When the Nazis decided to exterminate the Jews and Masons that too was vengeance.

There is again a build up of hatred against Jews by Gentiles. Legislation cannot end anti-Semitism. It only builds up the pressure against the Jews.

Our particular betes noires are the UK legal system and supermarkets. Jews are bearing the brunt of criticism, which could equally be directed at Gentiles. Jews are grossly over represented in law and food services and are seen to have debased both. The glue that binds corrupt agencies is Freemasonry. Freemasonry must be proscribed for all public servants in order to curb corruption in the private and public services.

                                OPEN LETTER TO ROBIN COOK

Dear Robin,

On reading the first part of your former wife's book we wondered whether James Thurber had written it. It was hilarious. It provided you with a defence for all your actions.

All great men have an excess of libido that they often channel into houghmagandie. What did Margaret expect a red blooded man like you to do when she kept her legs crossed and bedroom door closed? She cut off her nose to spite her face. We laughed about the report of your clandestine visit to a small hotel with Gaynor in tow. What did they expect you to do? Drive up to the Ritz with TV cameras showing Gaynor with skirts up and you with flies undone? "Hi, doorman. I'm foreign secretary Cook. My Viagra has acted too soon and I have to strike while the iron is hot. Get me a bed quickly and tell the wife I am not in".

However Margaret did not behave like the spiteful Rio pewf and state that she did not know whether you were a pewf or not. But she is spiteful and domineering. You deserve a medal for putting up with her for so long. It is not for us to comment on the qualities of your new wife other than to say that one should never marry the other woman especially if she too is domineering and given to tantrums.

We, the public, tend to blame you for a flawed foreign policy but all the signs are that the Windbag, the Cardinal, the Rio pewf , Alistair Campbell and Mrs Booth are the true culprits. The Windbag's mother-in-law appears to advise the Windbag on most policies. In return she enjoys perks free holidays abroad. ><Cordially yours, VOMIT.

                                      DACORUM GETS DIRTIER

On 16 December 1998 the Mason Jew Chief Executive, Keith Hunt, was compelled by Councillor Mick Young to write to the Chief Constable of Hertfordshire notifying him of criminal offences. Hunt has arranged for the contents of his letter to be concealed from members of the public. One of the complaints is against himself!

When Councillor Paul Hinson, a Magistrate for 15 years, attempted to report crime committed by Dacorum councillors and officers, the police refused to take a statement and ushered him out of the door.

Councillors Young, Hinson, Killen and Clark refused the Labour whip and now sit as Independent Labour Councillors. They were unable to accept the corruption in Dacorum Borough Council. Questions are now being asked about Chief Constable Sharp. Nothing unusual in that where Masons are involved!

                             THE EVIL POLICE MASONS OF DORSET

We reported some time ago how Deputy Chief Constable May was appointed after he used Masonic signs. An elderly widow councillor uncovered the corruption. Chief Executive Peter Harvey of the County Council who is also Secretary to the Police Authority then had the rules altered to remove the lady from the Police Authority Appointments Committee. Then another senior policeman named Pothecary started to harass Barry Hunt. The content of his correspondence suggested he was a Mason who could walk on water. He was so offensive that a judo expert offered to break Pothecary in two. Our reporters states that Pothecary was making his priority Barry Hunt and Gerald Coulter. Mr Hunt and Mr Coulter have been victims of serious Dorset police corruption. We are pleased to announce that DCC May, aged 50, is retiring from the police force at the same time as Chief Constable Aldous, aged 54, on 31 March 1999. Pothecary must never be promoted and should be dismissed from the force for his treatment of Barry Hunt.

Aldous is complaining that Dorset police are short of cash. If he had not spent so much time supporting bent Masons and crucifying non Masons he would have had plenty of cash to provide Dorset with a proper police service.

On account of Masonic interference with the democratic process the post of Chief Constable is being advertised again. The Home Office has ordered this because the Police Authority Appointments Committee was in breach of Home Office guidelines. The legal expert on the committee was Peter Harvey. He too must resign from the County Council and from the Police Authority. Let Dorset be the first Mason Free Zone and let it give a lead to the rest of the country in terms of local government and policing.

                                 GREATER MANCHESTER POLICE

Last week we reported that D I Cook and D S Baxter were referring a large number of complaints about the legal system to a higher authority. Mr Cook has now added a further explanation. He states that the police have never had to deal with so much at this level that they are breaking new ground. Without being disrespectful we say "bollox" to Mr Cook. He doesn't have to link all the cases together. The Cheshire constable who brought the malicious prosecution against Geoffrey Scriven could be a starting point. Include the Cheshire sergeant who told the constable to increase the cost of the criminal damage from 2 pounds to 5 pounds because it would "look better" on the charge sheet. Squeeze their testicles and they'll blow the whistle. That would lead to the next prosecution. We would advise D I Cook to get on with the first prosecution if only to send a message to several senior judges, the Lord Chancellor, the Attorney General, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Home Secretary and Windbag Blair that they had better mend their ways. Note that if the two policemen do their jobs honestly two Chief Constables will have to resign for dereliction of duty in that they did not tackle the criminals from the outset.


To magazine@nytimes.com ews1@columbia.edu

John W. Willmott, 224 Pershing Way, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-832-0070 January 11, 1999- - Located at http://www.flinet.com/~tiojuan and http://www.vermontel.net/~willmott - the home of Liberty - Justice - Equality and the Truth. Letters to the Editor, Magazine, The New York Times, 229 W 43d St. NY. 10036


In Jan. 10 NYT Magazine article "The One State Solution" Professor Edward Said of Columbia University says "...the only answer to Middle East peace is Palestinians and Israelis living as equal citizens under one flag!"

While Said offers perhaps the only viable solution, he - like virtually all others - avoids speaking about the fact that the Israeli occupations by force, abuse of the occupants and unilateral annexations were and are outlawed by The Geneva Convention, the body of law coming from the Nuremberg Nazi War Crimes Trials and all subsequent laws regarding conquest by force.

In addition in the December 2, 1998 U.N. Press Release, GA/9522, among many condemnations in the preceding week of Israel with only Israel and the U.S. voting nay against the world of nations, the General Assembly

declared also that all changes to the status quo by Israel since June 4, 1998 to be "null and void!" GA/9522 is available archived at the U.N. on Internet and is 22 pages long.

Meanwhile, Israel in Geneva is trying to get the Human Rights Declaration changed so Israel cannot be declared illegal and a war criminal for genocide. True! Check it!

Professor Said and all others including the U.S. Government would do well to look into the illegalities of Israel and the hypocrisy of supporting them while sanctioning and bombing Iraq for doing the same which is what Hitler did to Europe and is now an international war crime.'

Israel could have peace tomorrow by ceasing all occupations today then putting its security under U.N. protection and being deprived of its WMD threat, which causes Iraq, Iran, Libya et al to seek and acquire parity.

Sincerely, John W. Willmott .>>> ( A WMD is a Weapon of Mass Destruction)

                                            THE RATBAGS OF READING

It will come as no surprise that corruption again raises its ugly head in Reading. Some time ago we reported how the son of the Deputy Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge had his wrist slapped for importing drugs while his associates had charges dropped "on a technicality". Then we had the Bradley experience before the Reading Industrial Tribunal where again misconduct and Masonry were involved. Encompassing everything there is a blanket of slime provided by Thames Valley Police.

The finger is now pointed at Reading Borough Council. The planning department is again involved. Some elderly residents with large back gardens are being persuaded by Montage Developments to sell part of their gardens. Hundreds of local residents in Caversham have objected to a development that is clearly inappropriate. A tree preservation order would have scuppered the plans. The old trick was pulled once again. While the council was preparing a tree preservation order the trees were cut down. The council has now passed the buck to the planning inspectorate at Bristol. It will appoint a bent inspector who will award planning permission or compile a report that will lead eventually to development of the site. Neighbouring Newbury District Council was a promoter of the drug site at Chalfont St Giles in its submissions to Chiltern District Council. The drug site in Chalfont St Giles started at Reading and Theale. Again the Masons and the police were involved.


The story continues of Councillor Maurice Kellett, 16A the Lyons, Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne-Wear DH5 0HT <justice@jiwalu.demon.co.uk>. In 1986 Maurice crossed swords with British Coal Estates Department. North Eastern Co-operative employed him when he uncovered a Masonic connection between the Chief Executive Norris and the closing of co-op shops in the area. Following a meeting with Norris, Maurice was made redundant. He has been victimised ever since. We reported how he was and his family were victims of criminal offences and how magistrates, police and solicitors took him for a ride. He established that Masons in Sunderland's planning department and in the department of transport, aided and abetted by bent solicitors, were using the local authority to provide profits for developers. Last week he reported how the Mason Councillors Blackburn had applied pressure on him using a veto on planning permission for his wife's mobile catering van and how the Blackburns were concealing their interests.

Maurice's wife's business lasted for nine months during which time five cars crashed into the frontage of his property. The police took no action. Maurice, after experiencing corruption in the legal process, finally persuaded the court to find against a man named Young from Blackhall, County Durham. We mention one irregularity because we had not come across it before. When Young appeared before District Judge Scott-Phillips, Young handed the judge a letter. Maurice was not told of the contents of the letter and Scott-Phillips later denied having been handed it. Scott-Phillips was not empowered to hear the appeal in the first place. There were so many irregularities that the court was obliged to allow Maurice's claim for damages against Young. Just after that a car was driven through his wife's mobile café late at night. That was the end of the business and the start of the end of Maurice's marriage. Throughout all this the police were acting silly buggers. Inspector Turnbull at Northumbria Police HQ telephoned Maurice and said that he was conducting a survey on police efficiency. Turnbull spent an hour discussing Freemasonry. On another occasion Sergeant Yates, another of the aproned men, attended a meeting at the "accident" spot with the Kellett family, the Council Clerk Hibbert and Donaldson from the Highways Department. Yates came up with the idea of laying an anti-skid surface and increasing the speed limit to take the problem away from the police. During that night another car crashed through Maurice's property and was abandoned. When he reported this to Yates he laughed and said, "You would almost think it was being planned wouldn't you?" This is typically Masonic behaviour. There are always strange "coincidences". When a victim tells others about the coincidences he is looked upon as some sort of crackpot. Maurice had to accept a whole lot more rubbish from the police about monitoring equipment that had either blown up or had not blown up depending upon which police officer answered the telephone.

                                 ONE NATION ANTI MASON PARTY

We now have six members. We are not inflating the numbers. Can we appeal again to potential members? We will keep your membership anonymous. If we can get sufficient numbers we can attract the many people who hate Freemasonry but who have not yet been victims of the Judaeo/Masonic Faction in the courts.

[[Following our enquiries into Hellmann International Forwarders we have again been assaulted as we were earlier by the drug barons at the site now occupied by H Hearn & Son working in partnership with Hellmann Parcel Services.]]

[[We have still to explain what happened after our two years in Armley Prison and our attempted murder by Philip Raby Walbaum and Registrar Cousins and the government's euthanasia plan to save hospital beds.]]

Published by J M Todd, Misbourne Farmhouse, Amersham Road, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks. HP8 4RU

Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel 01494 871204. Fax 01494 870031

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